A High Performing Culture is comprised of Talented Employees.
Delivering Critical Priorities
Role Modeling the Right Way Of Working
Proactively Building Strategic Capabilities
Being Supported by High Performing Leaders!
High-Performance Cultures are not something you can create in 1 day. You build it as you would a tower out of building blocks… brick by brick.
1) Everything starts by ensuring your people are aligned and delivering the CRITICAL PRIORITIES for your company's success.
2) From there you should ensure your company's structure, processes, and overall WAY OF WORKING is aligned to those priorities.
3) The third step is to ensure you have people that are proactively building STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES to deliver those priorities in the right way.
4) Finally, your company needs to have HIGH PERFORMING LEADERS to keep the startup and everyone moving in the right directions
You don’t need a supercomputer to solve basic math problems, and you don’t need advanced High Performance tools for a company of 25 people.
The simple truth is that the tools you use to build and sustain a High Performance Culture evolves as your company grows in size. Founders / Executives / HR of smaller companies shouldn’t spend time or effort on complex tools to build their High Performance Culture. It just isn’t worth it.
For each size of a company, there are specific actions that Founders / Executives / HR can take to build and sustain a High Performance Culture, while also laying the foundation for success in the future.
# of Employees ≈ 2-7
Focus = Forming Teams
Companies with only a few employees can sometimes create the feeling of “us vs the world”, and that can create an intense comradery. A team quickly becomes brothers and sisters in arms, and this can lead to problems. Founders and executives, need to recognize that their company is a team, and not a family. A High Performance Culture for this sized company is really just a High Performing Team. Forming that team’s cohesiveness and collaboration should be the main priority.
# of Employees ≈ 5-20
Focus = Inspiring & Motivating
This phase is all about gaining a first batch of followers. Many founders fail at this stage because they only rely on their formal authority (my way or the highway type of leaders). High Performing leaders create a vision that people are willing to put in the long days for. This is a critical requirement of success in the later phases. If a founder or executive can’t get 10 people to follow their vision, they won’t be able to convince 100 to do it either.
# of Employees ≈ 15-75
Focus = Leading Through Others
This phase is the last time the startup will feel like a family (albeit a large one with way too many cousins). Founders and executives need to focus on working through people. In the toddler phase, everyone in the startup could fit in a large meeting room, but once a startup grows to 20-25 employees, a founder can’t be hands -on with everyone. Many founders initially struggle to lead through others, and this is why some become true C-Leader executives and others slowly become a figurehead while others take charge.
# of Employees ≈ 50-125
Focus = Strengthening Your Culture
A company of this size is one of the last opportunities a founder / executive / HR has at easily making culture changes. Once a company gets above 200 employees, trying transforming a company into a High Performance Culture is like turning around an aircraft carrier… slow. Founders / executives / HR must take this final opportunity to cement the few critical High Performance Culture traits that they want to define their company going forward.
# of Employees ≈ 200+
Focus = Preparing for More Growth
Once a company gets over 200 people the level of oversight and transparency multiplies. Investors want to see if the company can deliver on its promises. For some companies that means going public. This can cause a huge disruption within the company, especially if the organization or culture is not ready to provide predictable results. At this sized company (especially if they want to grow) Founders / executives / HR need to start preparing their High Performance Culture to drive more predictability and accountability.
Over my career I’ve worked with too many consultants, and 9 times out of 10 I ended up frustrated with the process and disappointed with the results. I promised myself that if I ever started my own firm, I would be a different kind of consultant then the one I experienced. That is why my approach to helping you build a High Performance Culture is built off of 3 core beliefs.
I am not here to force fit you into a cookie cutter shape because that’s the only model I use. Your startup’s High Performance Culture will be unique, and how we build it will be what works best for you
From my experience, too many consultants focus on flash and not enough on substance. A High Performance Culture is not built off of fancy campaigns or posters on the wall. I build simple solutions that work with no fuss.
Too many consultants treated me like a cash cow, and tried to sell me on more and more. I won’t do that to you. My focus is on building your High Performance Culture, not upselling you on all my other services.